Nari Jo (*1988, Gimje/Südkorea ) beschäftigt sich in ihrer Kunst mit abstrakter Malerei und mit piktografischen Darstellungen.

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Nari Jo (*1988, Gimje/South Korea ) works with abstract painting and pictographic representations in her art.

"In my painting, I want to depict wonders that have been forgotten. I see the preservation and condensation of childlike curiosity and the search for a primitive and at the same time spiritual aesthetic as the core concerns of my work as a painter." 

In her work, Nari Jo focuses on expressions of joie de vivre, happiness and childhood and reflects on her upbringing in rural areas. However, it is not about the landscape itself, but about the feelings and thoughts that she associates with her homeland. Home here does not refer to a specific place, but to a world of emotions or an abstracted image of her memory.

Her distinctive visual style lies in the realm of figurative abstraction, as her paintings still have a figurative dimension. Although her art seems to exist in its own reality, symbolic forms lurk everywhere, working on a sensory level and evoking the sweet and whimsical moments of daily life. 

Nari Jo received the Hegenbarth Scholarship in 2021.
