Per Kirkeby:
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Per Kirkeby, born in Copenhagen in 1938, was one of the most exposed painters and sculptors of the present day. Performances with Beuys and Immendorf, among others, top-class art prizes and important exhibitions worldwide document his success.

The artist's graphic works are closely related to his sculptural activity. Kirkeby strove for the real picture that breaks all boundaries. The boundaries between shape and colour are blurred, and colour as a light-bearing substance in its mutability turns into shape. Through its representation, the completed picture reveals its meaning-giving content.

At the end of each creative phase, the graphic becomes the preferred, liberating form of expression. It is the "unpainted" that creates sensations in the viewer and sets no limits to the imagination.

Per Kirkeby worked in Copenhagen, Laeslo and Karlsruhe, where he was a teacher at the Art Academy in 1978.
