ARTES BERLIN ∙ Auguststraße 19 ∙ 10117 Berlin
Tuesday to Saturday: 12 pm to 6 pm, and by appointment
Phone: 030 / 28 88 38 69 ∙ Email: info@artesberlin.de

1260 Colours of the Present
21 May - 28 June 2020
Group exhibition featuring works by Gerhard Richter, Alex Katz, Jonathan Meese, Norbert Bisky, Herbert Zangs, Jeff Koons, Andy Warhol, and Tom Wesselmann.
We invite you to rediscover the highlights of 21st-century art. The exhibition displays works by prominent contemporary artists, as well as art from the post-1945 era and Pop Art.
Featured artists: Gerhard Richter, Alex Katz, Jonathan Meese, Norbert Bisky, Herbert Zangs, Jeff Koons, Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselmann, and others.